Machine to become – Which witch?


The concept of becoming was coined by Deleuze and Guattari. But similar thoughts also appear in other concepts, for example in an understanding of organic magick as by the author Starhawk, who has published many books on contemporary witchcraft as an interface of anarchy, (queer) feminism, ecology and activism.

„Becoming” can only happen in a body-to-body encounter, „…it‘s a zig-zag. I become the other so that the other can become something else.” (Deleuze) „The discipline of magic is also about choosing what stories we tell ourselves, what inner dialogues we run, and how we engage with the choices we have, whether or not they are the choices we wish we had.” (Starhawk)

Both concepts describe a dynamic that is not goal-oriented but process-oriented. A process that expands rhizome-like, digging holes in fixed structures and searching for new forms. Confrontationally, the machine also stands for our society. For a capitalist system with rules and an end product. We are all part of this machine, shaping it and being shaped. The machine we invented, following the idea of organic magick or Becoming, thus forms an anti-system and searches for old and new witch powers.

But it is also a ritual in which different women meet and seek together ways of healing. The audience is invited into this special space to hear stories old and new:

„Once upon a time, it was dangerous, even forbidden, for women to meet and share… but today, here, as I will tell the story, it is possible to weave new tapestries of thought and…”

„Machine to become – which Witch?” is an improvisation-based performance, an alchemical witch‘s cauldron and a ritual in which the 7 performers bring different ingredients and tools into play with each other: Dance, storytelling, music and magic. The journey opens a new space of thinking and feeling, designs utopias, makes things go up in flames and embarks with the performers on the search for their own witch.


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Premiere: 24.02.2023 Ackerstadtpalast Berlin

Concept/Direction: Caroline Alves, Nora Haakh, Natalie Riedelsheimer
Performance: Caroline Alves, Gaya Dandara, Nora Haakh, Mareike Jung, Natalie Riedelsheimer
Live Music: Stefanie Sylla, RENU (Renu Hossain)
Vocal Coaching: Stefanie Sylla
Artistic Assistance/ Movement Preparation: Guilherme Morais
Set Design: Sara Grötsch
Set Design Assistance: Bridget Hollins
Costume Design: Michelle Ferreira
Light Design: Hanna Kritten Tangsoo
Production: Mifrush Production (Micaela Trigo & Urszula Heuwinkel)
Production Assistance: Tâmera Vinhas
Video Documentation: Zé de Paiva & Kathleen Kunath
Public Relation: Pocket Design
Graphic design: Saskia Ziese
Project Photo: Lin Hektoen
Funded by: the Performing Arts Fund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR.

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